Intercitybike can now also be reached via WhatsApp and 06 number
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- By ymte
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Intercitybike can now also be reached via WhatsApp and 06 number
The Intercity Bike landline often appears to have malfunctions, which is why we can now be reached on 06 13212770. The old number (0321-340928) will also remain in use until the end of the year. Furthermore, we can now also be reached via WhatsApp. You can expect a quick response within our opening hours (Mon-Tue 9am-5.30pm, Wed 9am-3pm and Sat 9am-5.30pm), outside of which it may take a while. At your service, Ymte and Peter.
I am Joel
and I am very much interested in becoming a new user
However, I am not very familiar with this Velomoboile and would like to ask some questions regarding the manufacturer, service, and Categorisation in means of legal bicycle lane permission.
1. Where does that Velomobile Manufactured
2. Where are the service partners located in Switzerland?
3. What Category Abbreviation does it fall into in terms of bicycle lane permission?
4. Is It electrical assistance (250 watts)?
Where can we try one to ride my wife and me?
Kind regards
Joel Wolff Avisror